Malin Ewerlöf

3rd place Lidingöloppet 30 km (the biggest trail-run in the whole world)

  • Sweden
  • Sweden, Track & Field

I think the FitLine’s products taste very good. They have a natural taste and don´t taste “fake” like many similar products. It feels like my body and stomach like the products and absorb them good.
Since I still exercise a lot, it feels safe to use products that help my body cope with my active life. I’m also experiencing that I’ve remained very healthy since I started with FitLine products. I am incredibly happy with the consistent feeling that I have in my body. I feel strong and have extra energy, which I think all products play an important part role in.

I have been using FitLine products since March 2021 and regularly use FitLine PowerCocktail, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate, ProShape Amino and Munogen.

My FitLine advisor is Monica Sandler.

Malins favorites

FitLine Activize

FitLine Activize

Your productivity booster

FitLine Restorate

FitLine Restorate

Supply of Minerals & Trace Elements


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