Since I started taking FitLine products I felt very much faster recovered from an injury as expected. I take all my FitLine products daily and I feel that my body likes it. More energy and better endurance while practicing and in tough matches are another result. Besides that I feel more focused and balanced. Important in our sport tennis is fast recovery and the products help a lot to reload my batteries. I am taking the products every day, also when I have a day off to be preparaed for next training session and matches.
I’ve been using FitLine products since April 2015 and regularly use:
FitLine PowerCocktail, Activize Oxyplus, Fitness Drink, ProShape2go White Choco Slim, Protein bar, ProShape Amino, Antioxy, Basen Plus, Restorate
FitLine Team: Patrick Kohler & Lutz Lorenz