Christian Heintz

Top scorer in amputee soccer (National League)

  • Germany
  • Germany, Amputee soccer

With the FitLine PowerCocktail I have had the perfect start to the day since 2008 and feel more concentrated during the day. When practicing my sport of amputee football, I take the Fitness Drink + Activize. This makes me feel better in terms of condition and I can also perform consistently at longer tournaments or training camps. With Restorate I can regenerate better after sports and at night, so that my body is fit for new tasks the next day.

I have been using fitLine products since 2008 and regularly use PowerCocktail, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate, Antioxy and Fitness Drink.

My FitLine advisor is PM-International Germany.

Christians favorites

FitLine Activize

FitLine Activize

Your productivity booster

FitLine Restorate

FitLine Restorate

Supply of Minerals & Trace Elements


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