JaeKang Kim

Bronze Medal Asia Games - wrestling men

  • South Korea
  • South Korea, Wrestling

I take Power Cocktail on my empty stomach right after I wake up in the morning. I take Restorate, right before I go to sleep at night, and I take Activize and Munogen right before my training or competition. Among FitLine products, my favorite FitLine product is Munogen. Wrestling is renowned for its high training intensity, and Munogen helped me greatly when I need to keep my strength and endurance level up to a certain point, especially during my intense training session. I initially tried out FitLine products through one of my teammates’ recommendation, and I unstintingly got hooked with the charm of FitLine products. The fact that the products enhance my athletic performance and being doping-tested, made FitLine products an easy choice for me.

I have been using FitLine products since November 2019, and regularly use FitLine PowerCocktail, Activize Oxyplus, Restorate, and Munogen.

My FitLine advisor is GwangMo Seo.

JaeKangs favorites

FitLine Activize

FitLine Activize

Your productivity booster

FitLine PowerCocktail

FitLine PowerCocktail

Kickstart Your Day with all the fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices you needed!

FitLine Restorate

FitLine Restorate

Supply of Minerals & Trace Elements


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