Having routines is part of what makes us human. Routines are important for our mental and physical well-being, and starting off your morning with one or two healthy habits can positively affect your whole day. No matter if it’s just after waking up, during breakfast or before going to sleep.
FitLine Team Partners all have their very own routines and share those routines with their Team, their friends, and their family. Creating new routines together and sharing their #fitlineroutine with the world just like we do. So please, follow us for more regular updates, mood pictures and stories!
But first check these out:
Take Melek (melekmds) for example. Her credo is “If it doesn’t challenge you – it doesn’t change you.” She keeps motivated by adding good things to her life. One good thing at a time until they become routines: “I get up every morning at 4.30 because my inner ‘WHY?’ is never resting. I believe that mental and physical health are the only way to success. Many people keep telling me: Melek, you have way too much time! – NO! I make time for the things that make me strong and bring me forward. When are you starting?” We think That’s truly inspiring!

You may not have noticed but you already have routines in the morning. Brushing your teeth, (hopefully) eating breakfast, walking your dog, … add more routines depending on the season or your lifestyle to notice how your body reacts positively to the consistency. It can be something very simple, like taking in more fluids after you wake up or even a full work-out before leaving the house. Healthy food habits are not more expensive than convenience food! Take control over the quality of food you give to your body. It will only cost you some time to get well-organized at the beginning. But once you’re set, its smooth sailing.
If you listen to Juliane (pm_dream_life) you’ll notice one thing: Dreaming big is always worth it. All it takes is the mindset to keep doing it. Her most powerful routine is not only working out regularly, but much more surrounding herself with people she loves, people that support her and that she can support in return. Nonetheless, her workout routine is impressive, no wonder that when waking up she starts off her day with PowerCocktail, Heart Duo and Joint Health. In the afternoon she goes on with AntiOxy and Munogen and in the evening some more ProShape Amino and Restorate. That’s a hell of a routine!

You can take it a little slower too if you want to. Routines are also about balance. Giulia’s (giuree) FitLine routines start off with PowerCocktail and AntiOxy in the morning. In fact, her favourite part of the day is breakfast. Together with PowerCocktail and AntiOxy it gives her all the energy she needs to pursue her true passions: travelling with friends, and exploring new places and beaches all over the world. Routines to be jealous of!

We live in a society where everything is always at hand, but this does not have to be something bad per se – if we know how to balance ourselves and focus on a few simple healthy habits:
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yes, you’ve heard this sentence a million times because its TRUE! It doesn’t matter which diet is in vogue this season, just have a balanced meal in the morning.

- Try not to skip meals to avoid binge-eating junk food later that day. Being well-organized is the keyword here. There are plenty of instruction videos out there that help you to conveniently plan your meals while using fresh, healthy ingredients.
- Stay hydrated. Drinking fluids is the first front of a well-nourished and healthy body. Fluids carry the nutrients you take in to your cells, they flush bacteria from your bladder and also prevent constipation.
Try to keep a positive mindset because it will affect how you see your life! And how you see your life affects your well-being and happiness. With all the options for recreational activities these days, do not make the mistake to slip into some kind of recreational stress. Try to have some rest and some time for yourself if you can. Pamper your skin, take care of your hair and body – relax!
- Part of avoiding recreational stress is getting enough sleep. Now, depending on your age and lifestyle, 8 hours might be too much, or too little. To make sure to get enough restorative time, it is essential to lay in bed, clean and ready to sleep before midnight, avoiding bright screens or other light sources.

You’re all set up now! Find the routines that fit best to your lifestyle and your possibilities and start living the life you always wanted to live!