FitLine Sport

Body, Mind, and Soul for the Win

Body, Mind, and Soul for the Win

The Swiss Renato Marni has been a FitLine fan for many years already. He’s a star in the world of Tae Kwon Do. At 51 years of age, he has won incredible 18 World Championship titles. He’s been doing the sport for 32 years. Still, he’s not even thinking about retirement yet. And why should he? Renato Marni won his 18th World Championship title only last year. And in the next World Championships in October, he will fight for yet another title. In our interview, he talks about his fascination for the sport, what keeps him motivated and what he looks for in nutrition.

There’s a variety of other martial arts, like karate or judo. Why exactly did you choose the Korean Tae Kwon Do?

The popularity of Tae Kwon Do as a sport started picking up in Switzerland in 1984, thanks to grand master Ernest Verner. He was a good friend of mine and one of my biggest idols. Unfortunately, he passed away about 20 years ago. Tae Kwon Do is really unique. It connects body, mind, and soul. It’s exciting to watch, also because of the spectacular footwork. Moreover, it is extremely healthy for every fiber of your body.

You’re a multiple World Champion and European bronze medalist in breaking. Our readers are curious, what is that exactly?

In martial arts, breaking means smashing massive objects (usually wooden boards) with either hands, elbows, or feet. The very essence of breaking lies in the training of the body, mind, and soul. Matter, as we imagine it, is merely an illusion. Therefore, it is very easy to break through. However, this requires freedom of thought, apart from the technique and the perfection of the strike. During the last 3 years, I also became multiple World Champion in sparring and patterns. The latter requires absolute harmony between body control and spiritual purity during the performance.

How did you come across the FitLine products? And why do you trust them?

I learned about FitLine from a very good friend. I have been using the products for some years now already and I am thrilled and convinced. The FitLine products support me on a daily basis and help regenerate my body. After 32 years training in Tae Kwon Do, I am still performing to the high standards I was reaching in my youth. I recommend them to anybody who wants to treat his or her body with the absolute best. I also recommend them to those, even middle-aged people, who want to be successful or just be fit to enjoy life to the fullest.

What’s important to you when it comes to nutrition?

I need to really enjoy what I eat! That’s the most important thing for me, apart from being healthy. With the FitLine program I am fully covered. It even allows me to sidestep my diet once in a while to eat something I probably shouldn’t. There’s nothing I don’t like to eat. In particular, I pay attention to freshness and good taste.

You have already achieved so much during your career. How do you keep motivating yourself to achieve physical top performances?

Every day is a new day and after a competition is before a competition. The preparation period is my personal highlight. It enriches my everyday life immensely. It’s always fun to go down this road and see if I am able to deliver peak performances on demand.

In October, I will participate once again at the Martial Arts World Championships. I look forward to accompanying a great team and toward promoting new talents, both young and old.


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